Born in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, and currently residing in Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture since 2012. Influenced by her mother, who taught her tea ceremony, flower arrangement, and kimono dressing, she became familiar with Japanese culture at an early age.
While studying fragrance at Senzan Goryu, a school of Kodo, she produces and sells “Ito wokashi-kou(KOTOHA)” and holds hands-on workshops in Uji City.
Selected as a semi-finalist for “LED Kansai 2021,” a project to support female entrepreneurs promoted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s Kinki Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry. (November 2021)
Received two special awards (Kyoto Bank Prize and Japan Finance Corporation Prize) in the “11th Kyoto Women Entrepreneur Award (Entrepreneur Award)” from the Gender Equality Division of the Kyoto Prefectural Government’s Civil Environment Department (December 2022).
(Domestic travel agency manager, member of Uji City Tourism Association, member of Uji Chamber of Commerce and Industry)